Table 2.
Plant species and the healing methods used by the Mbeere and Embu people
Key: (m)=Mbeere; (e)= Embu
Condition/Local Names | Plant species | Part used |
1 Allergy | ||
Muuti (m) | Erythrina abyssinica | Roots |
Mururuku (m) | Terminalia brownii | Roots |
Gatukia (m) | Emilia discifolia | Roots |
The roots are boiled in water and the decoction taken | ||
2. Abortion (persons) | ||
Mururuku (m) | Terminalia brownii | Leaves |
The leaves are boiled in water and the decoction taken | ||
3. Anthrax | ||
Mukengeta (m) | Senna singuana | Roots |
Muthunthi (m) | Maytenus senegalensis | Leaves |
The parts are boiled and the decoction taken by the patient | ||
4. Asthma | ||
Muthiga (e) | Warburgia ugandensis | Leaves/bark |
Mwaraka (e) | Plectranthus barbatus | Roots |
Kieha kia Murangi (m) | Engleromyces goetzei | Inner fresh |
The parts are boiled in water and given to the patient | ||
5. Back-ache and Joint-ache | ||
Muthira (e) | Gnidia glauca | Roots |
Murangare (m) | Acacia ataxacantha | Roots |
Muthigira (e) | Acacia mellifera | Roots |
Muvaa (m) | Pappea capensis | Roots |
Mutagataga (e) | Harrisonia abyssinica | Leaves/Roots |
Mubindithindi (e) | Fagaropsis angolensis | Leaves |
Muvingo (m) | Dalbergia melanoxylon | Bark |
Muura (m) | Landolphia buchananii | Leaves |
Muugu (e) | Landolphia buchananii | Leaves |
The parts are boiled in water and taken with goat's soup | ||
6. Bone-setting (fracture) | ||
Muthata (e) | Olea europaea ssp. africana | Sap |
Karura (e) | Asparagus racemosus | Roots |
Apply sap or root decoction | and bandage | |
7. Boils: | ||
Ikothokotho (m) | Cissus rotundifolia | Fruits |
Sap from the fruit applied on the boil | ||
8. Bronchitis | ||
Makandu (e) | Ocimum gratissimum | Leaves |
Mucuki wa ngig (e)i | Ageratum conyzoides | Roots |
Mumonjore (e) | Solanecio sp. | Roots |
The parts are boiled and the vapour inhaled | ||
9. Bleeding (Blood clotting) | ||
Mutagataga (e) | Harrisonia abyssinica | Leaves |
Mucuki wa Ngigi (e) | Ageratum conyzoides | Ashes |
Mutundu (e) | Croton macrostachyus | Juice |
The decoction of bark is taken, while ashes and the juice are applied to stop bleeding | ||
10. Colds and Flu | ||
Mucobi (m) | Hoslundia opposita | Leaves |
Mutongu (m) | Solanum incanum | Fruits |
Muthuguni (m) | Clerodendron myricoides | Leaves |
Gitunguru (e) | Allium ampeloprassum | Leaves |
Muratina (m) | Kigelia africana | Bark |
Mugaa (1) (e) | Acacia abyssinica | Tea from the bark |
Mugaa (2) (e) | Acacia hockii | Bark |
Munyua-mai (e) | Eucalyptus globulus | Leaves |
Muringamu (e) | Eucalyptus saligna | Leaves |
Ndania (e) | Coriandrum sativa | Leaves |
Mucururi (m) | Trichodesma zeylanicum | Whole plant |
Parts are boiled in water. The patient inhales the vapour or washes face with the decoction | ||
11. Cancer (of Breast and Prostrate Glands) | ||
Muburu (m) | Vitex doniana | Leaves |
Mukururu (m) | Flueggea virosa | Roots |
Ndonga (m) | Ovariodendron anisatum | Root tuber |
Muthunga (e) | Launea cornuta | Whole plant |
Mubuu (m) | Grewia villosa | Roots |
Muraga (m) | Maytenus obscura | Roots |
Muiria (e) | Prunus africana | Bark |
Concoction of the boiled parts is drunk by the patient | ||
12. Calf-rejection | ||
Ndonga (m) | Ovariodendron anisatum | Root tuber |
Concoction given to animal | ||
13. Dog-poison | ||
Mwakia (m) | Zanha africana | Root tuber |
Root powder mixed with | food | |
14. Dog-bite | ||
Kianduri (m) | Xerophyta spekei | Ashes |
Ashes applied to the bitten part | ||
15. Diabetes | ||
Mucege (m) | Bidens pilosa | Ashes |
Mutegenye (m) | Cyathula polycephala | Ashes |
Kianduri (m) | Xerophyta spekei | Ashes |
Add water to ashes and drink | ||
Ndonga(m) | Ovariodendron anisatum | Ashes |
Add water to the ashes and give to the patient | ||
Karuria-Tatha (m) | Schkuhria pinnata | Whole plant |
Boil the whole plant and drink the decoction to reduce sugar levels | ||
Muthunga (m) | Launea cornuta | Whole plant |
Muthigiriri (m) | Lonchocarpus eriocalyx | Bark |
The decoction reduces the sugar levels when drunk | ||
Mwembe (e) | Mangifera indica | Leaves (shoot) |
Dry young shoots of Mangifera indica. Dry Launea cornuta. Mix one teaspoonful of each powder in a cup of water, drink 3 times a week, and repeat if necessary. | ||
16. Diarrhea | ||
Mutagataga (m) | Harrisonia abyssinica | Roots |
Murerema (e) | Basella alba | Leaves |
Mix the parts with water, boil and drink. | ||
17. Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) | ||
Managu (e) | Solanum nigrum | Whole plant |
Iviuviu (e) | Sonchus asper | Whole plant |
Kungumanga (e) | Punica granatum | Seeds |
Ndonga (e) | Ovariodendron anisatum | Whole plant |
Mugeta (e)-Muthiga | Warburgia ugandensis | Leaves |
Muramba (e) | Adansonia digitata | Bark |
The decoction of parts drunk | ||
18. Eye Problem (infection) | ||
Mururuku (m) | Terminalia brownii | Leaves |
Muringa (m) | Cordia africana | Bark |
Wash eye with decoction | ||
19. Elephantiasis | ||
Mwerere (Kirembo) (e) | Euphorbia peudograntii | Bark |
Mukengeta (e) | Senna singuana | Bark |
Drink decoction of bark | ||
20. Fungal Infection and Ring Worm | ||
Gatukia (e) | Emilia discifolia | whole plant |
Mucii (m) | Leucas mollis | Leaves |
Mwinu (m) | Senna didymobotrya | Leaves |
Mukorwe (e) | Albizia gummifera | Bark |
Mururuku (m) | Terminalia brownii | Leaves |
Apply decoction from boiled parts on the body | ||
21. Family Planning (persons) | ||
Mururuku (m) | Terminalia brownii | Leaves |
Boil leaves in water and drink before action | ||
22. Gout | ||
Murangare (m) | Acacia ataxacantha | Roots |
Decoction from boiled roots taken | ||
23. Gonorrhoea | ||
Murangare (m) | Acacia ataxacantha | Roots |
Mwogoya (m) | Plectranthus barbatus | Roots |
Kithunju (m) | Aloe kendongensis | Leaves |
Decoction of the boiled roots taken | ||
Makongo (m) | Agave sisalana | Roots |
Mutura (e) | Ximenia americana | Bark |
Cong'e (e) | Oxygonum sinuatum | Leaves |
Muruva (m) | Grewia tembensis | Roots |
Decoction from mixture of the parts taken, two cups daily for three days | ||
Mukungumanga (m) | Punica granatum | Seeds |
Mubabai (male) (m) | Carica papaya | Roots |
Gikwa kia ngima (e) | Dioscorea minutifolia | Tuber |
The above parts are boiled together in three cups of water (teaspoon each), one cup of Decoction taken daily for three days. | ||
24. Insecticide | ||
Muthiringo (m) | Strombosia scheffleri | Powder of the dry leaves |
Murema muthua (m) | Carphalea glaucescens | Leaves |
Muthira (m) | Gnidia glauca | Leaves |
Apply dry powder of the leaves | ||
25. Kidney Problems | ||
Mururi (e) | Trichilia emetica | Bark |
Mukururu (m) | Flueggea virosa | Roots |
Muthaguta (e) | Securinega virosa? | Bark |
Boil parts in water and give to the patient | ||
26. Malaria | ||
Mubindithindi (e) | Fagaropsis angolensis | Leaves |
Mwinu (e) | Senna didymobotrya | Leaves |
Wanjiru-wa-Rurii (e) | Ajuga remota | Whole plant |
Mukurwe (e) | Albizia gummifera | Bark |
Mumonjora (e) | Solanecio sp. | Leaves |
Muuti (e) | Erythrina abyssinica | Roots |
Decoction of the above mixture in boiled water is taken | ||
Mururuku (m) | Terminalia brownii | Leaves |
Mukunyi (m) | Cardiospermum corindum | Roots |
Mutagataga (m) | Harrisonia abyssinica | Roots |
Mugirimura (m) | Pentas zanzibarica | Roots |
Muvovo (m) | Leonotis mollissima | Roots |
Murumbawe (m) | Withania somnifera | Leaves/Roots |
Muterendu (m) | Teclea nobilis | Leaves |
Mataa (m) | Ocimum basilicum | Leaves |
Karuria-tatha (m) | Schkuhria pinnata | Whole plant |
Mukenia (m) | Lantana camara | Leaves |
Mucatha (m) | Vernonia lasiopus | Leaves |
Kithunju (m) | Aloe balyi | Leaves |
Mubuthi (m) | Caesalpinia volkensii | Leaves |
Mutambi (m) | Strychnos henningsii | Stem |
Kivia (e) | Engleromyces goetzei | Whole fruit |
Mugegeti (e) | Pistacia aethiopica | Bark |
Mwarobaine (e, m) | Azadirachta indica | All parts |
Mukandu (m) | Ocimum gratissimum | Leaves |
Njugu (e) | Cajanus cajan | Leaves |
Parts indicated are boiled in water and drunk two times a day for a week. | ||
27. Pneumonia | ||
Mwokia (m) | Zanha africana | Roots |
Mucigara (m) | Uvaria scheffleri | Roots |
Murangare (m) | Acacia ataxacatha | Roots |
Mukumbi (m) | Abrus schimperi | Roots |
Muthigira (m) | Acacia mellifera | Bark |
Kigurugua (m) | Commiphora africana | Roots |
Kithunju (m) | Aloe ballyi | Leaves |
Mugirimura (m) | Vernonia brachycalyx | Roots |
Mucatha (m) | Vernonia lasiopus | Leaves |
Munjuga-iria (e) | Clerodendrum myricoides | Roots |
Decoction of mixture drunk | ||
28. Rheumatism (Joint Pains) | ||
Mubingo (m) | Dalbergia melanoxylon | Roots |
Muthinia (m) | Croton dichogamus | Roots |
Mutiru (m) | Lonchocarpus eriocalyx | Bark |
Mukenenga (m) | Zanthoxylum chalybeum | Roots |
29. Stomach Pains | ||
Mwirungwa (e) | Leonotis mollissima | Roots |
Mucuki (m) | Epilobium hirsutum | Roots |
Muthunthi (m) | Maytenus senegalensis | Roots |
Mutegenye (m) | Cyathula polycephala | Leaves |
Muga-Nthegu (m) | Albizia amara | Roots |
Kirurite (e) | Tithonia diversifolia | Leaves |
Thina (e) | Cuscuta kilimanjari | Whole plant |
Muthaata (m) | Olea europaea | Leaves |
Parts boiled in water and the decoction drunk | ||
30. Shampoo (Hair) | ||
Karundu (m) | Hermannia sp. | Leaves |
Mix the leaves of the plant with water, apply to hair then rinse with water | ||
31. Skin Lashes | ||
Mung'endia Nthenge (m) | Senecio succulent | Stem |
Apply the stem ash | ||
Ikothokotho (m) | Cissus rotundifolia | Fruits |
Mururi (e) | Trichilia emetica | Sap |
Apply sap or fruit juice to lashes or pimples | ||
32. Snake-bite | ||
Ndonga (m) | Ovariodendron anisatum | Ashes |
Kianduri (m) | Xerophyta spekei | Ashes |
Apply ashes to the bite | ||
33. Soup | ||
Muthinia (m) | Croton dichogamus | Roots |
Mukenenga (m) | Zanthoxylum chalybeum | Roots |
Mugeta (m) | Warburgia ugandensis | Leaves |
Boil the parts in water and take with goat's bone soup | ||
34. Tooth-ache | ||
Mwokia (e) | Zanha africana | Roots |
Gakurue (e) | Phyllanthus sepialis | Roots |
Mutongu (m) | Solanum incanum | Fruits |
Mutegenye (e) white | Achyranthes aspera | Roots |
Either apply powdered parts to the tooth or boil the parts and gaggle the decoction | ||
35. Typhoid | ||
Muthithi (e) | Osyris abyssinica | Leaves/Roots |
Mutathi (e) | Clausena anisata | Roots |
Mwiria (e) | Prunus africana | Bark |
Mukambura (m) | Dovyalis abyssinica | Friuits |
Cong'e (e) | Oxygonum sinuatum | Whole plant |
Kiruma (m) | Aloe lateritia | Leaves |
Mixture of parts boiled in water and then drunk | ||
Mwonge (m) | Periploca linearifolia | Roots |
Kirurite (e) | Tithonia diversifolia | Leaves |
Mutootoo (m) | Dombeya rotundifolia | Bark |
Munjuga-iria (m) | Clerodendrum myricoides | Roots |
Murembu (e) | Ehretia cymosa | Bark |
Murava (m) | Combretum molle | Leaves |
Individual parts are boiled in water and drink | ||
36. Ulcers | ||
Gatukia (e) | Emilia discifolia | Whole plant |
Mugere (e) | Hibiscus micranthus | Roots |
Mukeu (e) | Dombeya burgessiae | Roots |
Powder of the parts is mixed with water and boiled, then given to the patient | ||
37. Vitamins Supplement | ||
Muburu (m) | Vitex doniana | Fruits |
Muthigiu (m) | Rhus natalensis | Tea from bark |
Tea or fruits is taken | ||
38. Worms (Human/animals | ||
Mubarwa (e) | Albizia anthelmintica | Bark/roots |
Mwinu (e) | Senna didymobotrya | Leaves |
Muvovo (m) | Leonotis mollissima | Leaves |
Mucaritha (m) | Entada leptostachya | Roots |
Mugeta (m) | Warburgia ugandensis | Bark |
Mururuku (m) | Terminalia brownii | Bark |
Terere (e) | Amaranthus hybridus | Leaves |
Mubera (m) | Psidium guajava | Leaves |
Mubiru (m) | Vangueria madagascariensis | Leaves |
The parts are boiled in water and given to the patient | ||
39. Skin burns | ||
Mwembe (e) | Mangifera indica | Leaves |
Decoction applied | ||
40. Blood pressure | ||
Muthigiriri (e) | Lonchocarpus eriocalyx | Bark |
Muterendu (e) | Teclea simplicifolia | Leaves |
Mukura (e) | Piliostigma thonningii | Bark |
Drink decoction |