Unpurified recombinant H5 HA, H4 HA and H12 HA and a C-terminal 6x His tagged porcine IFN were blotted onto nitrocellulose membranes and analyzed with a monoclonal antibody against the His tag (A) or with serum from the 2nd bleeding (56 days post immunisation) from rabbits, immunized either with purified recombinant HA H5 (B), H4 (C) or H12 (D), respectively. Purified recombinant H5, H12 and H4 HA were blotted onto nitrocellulose membranes and analyzed with pre-immune rabbit sera (PI), a monoclonal antibody against the His tag and serum from the 3rd bleeding (114 days post infection) from rabbits, immunized with purified recombinant HA H5 (E), H4 (F) or H12 (G).