Representative insect damage from the Palaeocene of Menat, France. (a) Characteristic large, circular hole feeding (DT4 of Labandeira et al. 2007) on unidentified dicot sp. (Morphotype I; MNT 06 3493); (b) large, circular hole feeding (DT4) on Cinnamomum sp. (Lauraceae; 20 909); (c) skeletonization (DT16) and large, circular hole feeding (DT4) on Corylus macquarrii (20 816); (d) serpentine mine, parallel-sided, thin reaction rim (DT41) on Luheopsis vernieri (21 209); (e) serpentine lepidopteran mine with thick, initially intestiniform but subsequently looser frass trail (DT41) on C. macquarrii (Betulaceae; 15 083); (f) serpentine mine on C. macquarrii with confined, linear, median frass trail (DT41; 20 847); (g) sinusoidal mine, probably lepidopteran (Nepticulidae; DT92), on C. macquarrii with frass trail of dispersed rounded pellets oscillating across the full mine width (MNHN-LP-R 63 913); (h) undulating lepidopteran mine on C. macquarrii with pelleted frass trail (DT95; 20 747); (i) circular galling structure, surrounded by thick, dense, reaction tissue (DT11) on Fraxinus sp. (MNT 05 115.1); (j) circular galls on 3° veins, central chamber sharply separated from a wide, thick carbonized brim on C. macquarrii (DT110; MNHN-LP-R 63 917). Scale bars, 5 mm. MNT, collection number from the Musées Association Rhinopolis; MNHN-LP-R, collection number from the Laboratoire de Paléontologie, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.