Figure 5.
SSD ranges for individual grains and chains of interacting magnetosome crystals. Combining the work from this study for the SP to SSD limit (t m=60 s and the chain aligned in the 〈1 1 1〉 configuration) with the models of Muxworthy & Williams (2006) for the SD to MD transition size. Using the format of Butler & Banerjee (1975), length (long axis) rather than volume is plotted versus AR for various grain spacings/length ratios. The use of the length makes for easier comparison with Butler & Banerjee (1975), but the figure is a little more complicated to understand, because, on moving horizontally across the figure, the volume of the grains changes, i.e. there is a change in both shape and volume contributing to the critical boundaries. Hence, the blocking size appears to go up with elongation, unlike in figures 3 and 4. For non-interacting grains, there is a range of grain sizes marked by d min and d max, where both SD and MD domain states are possible.