Sexual and regional differences in skull measurements for male = M and female = F coyotes. (Mean sexual differences (MSD) are calculated as male/female and the number of specimens measured from each group is in parenthesis. Mean values (mm): length upper carnassial (LP4), width upper second molar (WM2), alveolar length of maxillary toothrow (ALM), maximum (MXP) and minimum (MNP) palate width, greatest length skull (GLS), zygomatic width (ZW), height jugal (HJ), height from the base of the first upper molar to the orbit (M1O), width postorbital processes (WPOP), height coronoid process (HCP), width anterior portion of the ramus (WAR), width mandible at carnassial (WMm1), height mandible at carnassial (HMm1). Significance of an ANOVA using Tukey's HSD post hoc test: *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, p > 0.05 = n.s.)