Figure 6.
JNK1-deficient mice exhibit increased Agrp expression, heightened hyperphagia, and weight gain during refeeding. A–C, mRNA expression was analyzed by semiquantitative RT-PCR from hypothalamic tissues of 16- to 19-wk-old male mice that were fed or fasted for 36 h. β-Actin was used as an internal control. Expression was normalized to control fed value. Control n = 6; mutant n = 5. D–F, Mice were fasted for 36 h and then allowed free access to food. Food intake was measured during the refeeding period (D) and compared with the prefasted 24-h food intake of the same mouse (E and F). G, Body weight change of control and JNK1 mutant mice after fasting and during the refeeding period. Control n = 12; mutant n = 11. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01 between controls and mutants as determined by Student’s t test (A–G). H and I, Plasma insulin and leptin levels were measured by ELISA under fed, 36 h fasting, and 6 h refed conditions. Insulin n = 15 each for control and mutant under fed and refed conditions; control n = 6, and mutant n = 9 under fasting condition. Leptin control n = 13–14, and mutant n = 15 under fed and refed conditions; control n = 7, and mutant n = 8 under fasting condition.