Figure 2. Thapsigargin inhibits APP proteolysis and induces ER stress UPR signaling.
Increasing doses of thapsigargin inhibits γ-secretase cleavage of APPGV16 (top graph). Titrated doses of thapsigargin induced graded increases in UPR stress signaling through phospho-PERK (pPERK blot) and phospho-eIF2α (p-eIF2 α), beginning at 0.1 µM and reaching a plateau at 0.5 µM thapsigargin. The increases in UPR signaling correlate with the levels of phospho-p38 (pp38 blot) and phospho-JNK (pp54/JNK, pp46JNK blot), as maximal stimulation is observed in the same concentration range. Total protein expression levels remain unchanged, as eIF2α and APPGV16 protein levels were consistent across treatment conditions.