Fig. (5).
H & E stained sections of heart tissue. (A) CTL group heart section showing normal appearance of myocardial fibers. (B) Degeneration of myocardial fibers and leucocyte infiltration in a heart of ISO group. (C) Congestion of cardiac tissue in a heart of SO group. (D) Hypereosinophilic bundles and leucocyte infiltration in a heart of SO +ISO group. (E) Congestion and hemorrhage of cardiac tissue in a heart of LO group. (F) Hypereosinophilic bundles, leucocyte infiltration, congestion and hemorrhage of cardiac tissue in a heart of LO +ISO group. White arrow: congestion and hemorrhage, triangle: leucocyte infiltration, black arrow with empty tail: Hypereosinophilic bundles, black arrow with dotted tail: Necrosis. The magnification of A and C is × 400 and others are × 100.