Figure 8.
Violation of Newton’s third law for an illustrative 3-atom system approximated by the HCP. The three atoms have charges q1, q2, and q3. Atoms 2 and 3 have equal and opposite charges, q2 = −q3 = e. Calculated forces between atoms i and j are shown as fij. For the exact all-atom calculation, the total force acting on the center-of-mass, ∑i,j fij = 0 since fij = fji per Newton’s third law. For the HCP, let atoms 2 and 3 belong to the same group while atom 1 does not belong to the group. The approximate point charge for the group represented by a, is qa = q2 + q3 = 0. For such a system the force acting on atom 1 due to the group is zero, while, in general, the net force on atoms 2 and 3, f12 + f13, is not zero. Therefore the HCP can result in a non-zero net force on a closed system, in violation of Newton’s third law.