Figure 2.
Biosynthetic response of chondrocytes in agarose culture to 24 hours of dynamic compression (1.0 Hz, 2.5% amplitude) in the presence of small-molecule integrin blockers PF001, PF002, PF003 (200uM). Data were normalized by the averaged untreated free-swell control for each animal. Data shown as mean ± 95% confidence interval (CI), n = 6-19 disks from 2-6 animals (PF001 n=6, PF002 n=6, PF003 n=19). Sulfate incorporation as measured by radiolabel incorporation. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) accumulation as measured by DMMB dye binding assay. *** p<0.0005 relative to free-swell, + p<0.0005 relative to untreated controls.