A: Sequence alignment of the17PATRRs in primates.The arrows indicate the range of the17PATRRs.The triangle indicates the symmetric center of human 17-L-PATRR. −L and −S designate 17-L-PATRR and 17-S-PATRR, respectively. Human: human sequence as shown in Figure 2; chimpanzee: P. troglodytes; gorilla: G. gorilla; rhesus: rhesus monkey (M. mulatta); green: African green monkey (C. aethiops); tamarin: cotton top tamarin (S. oedipus); owl: owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus); and -: sequence gap. B: Schematic secondary structures of primate 17PATRRs. 17-L-PATRRs of humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas are shown.The symmetric gorilla 17-S-PATRR is also indicated as gorilla-S, and the putative deleted region is underlined in gorilla-L. Inverted repeats in Old World, rhesus, and African green monkeys may also form cruciform structures.