Table 5.
Association between Mother Cortisol and Adolescent Cortisol (Physiological Synchrony): Direct and Moderating Effects of Momentary Characteristics of Mother Presence, Mother Affect, and Adolescent Affect
Fixed effects: Main effects | Coefficient | SE | t | p |
Mother cortisola | 0.191 | 0.063 | 3.04 | .004 |
Presence of mothera | −0.068 | 0.025 | −2.77 | .009 |
Mother positive affecta | −0.024 | 0.049 | −0.48 | > .05 |
Mother negative affecta | −0.019 | 0.076 | −0.25 | > .05 |
Adolescent positive affecta | −0.026 | 0.065 | −0.40 | > .05 |
Adolescent negative affecta | 0.055 | 0.074 | 0.75 | > .05 |
Fixed effects: Interactions with mother cortisol | Coefficient | SE | t | p |
Presence of motherb | 0.075 | 0.074 | 1.01 | > .05 |
Mother positive affectb | −0.026 | 0.050 | −0.53 | > .05 |
Adolescent positive affectb | −0.077 | 0.058 | −1.32 | > .05 |
Mother negative affectb | 0.143 | 0.067 | 2.14 | .033 |
Adolescent negative affectb | 0.169 | 0.076 | 2.24 | .026 |
Note. Results are based on 45 mother-adolescent dyads. Models retain Level 1 predictors and control variables included in the synchrony model shown in Table 3. Predictors with the same superscripts were entered simultaneously.