Table 2.
Dental Practice Characteristics Tested for their Association with Decision to Restore
Practice Setting | Patient Population | Dental Procedure Characteristics | Dentist's Individual Characteristics |
Practice busynessa | Dental insurance coverage | Percent of time each day doing restorative workb | Year of graduation from dental school |
Waiting time for restorative dentistry | Practice charges by payment source | Percent of time each day doing esthetic workb | Race of dentist |
Age distribution | Percent of time each day doing extractionsc | Gender of dentist | |
Racial/ethnic distribution |
1=too busy to treat all people requesting appointments, 2=provided care to all who requested appointments, but the practice was overburdened; 3= provided care to all who requested appointments, and the practice was not overburdened; 4= not busy enough-the practice could have treated more patients
0=none; 1=1-30% of the time; 2=31 to 50% of the time; 3=more than 50% of the time.
0=none; 1=1-20% of the time; 2=21 to 30% of the time; 3=more than 30% of the time.