Hippocampal slices are amenable to MEA recording. A, schematic
representation of hippocampal slice showing the position of CA1, CA3, and DG
regions, together with major pathways: Schaffer collateral (SC), mossy fiber
(MF), and perforant pathway (PP). B, micrograph showing a hippocampal brain
slice (stained with pontamine blue) mounted onto a substrate-integrated MEA
(60 electrodes of 30 μm diameter, spaced 200 μm
apart in an ∼8 × 8 arrangement). Scale bar, 400
μm. Representative LFP burst activity was recorded at 60
electrodes across a hippocampal slice in (C) Mg2+-free aCSF and
(D) 4-AP aCSF. Traces were high pass-filtered in an MC_rack at 2 Hz.