Developmental stage-specific response of the fetal ductus arteriosus to acute and chronic COX inhibition. Fetuses of wild-type dams treated with combined COX-1 (SC560) and COX-2 (SC236) inhibitors were compared. Vessel dimensions are expressed as a ratio of DA and AO diameters. A: acute inhibition of both COX isoforms did not alter the day 16 (n = 9, 3 litters) or day 17 (n = 9, 3 litters) gestation ductus but induced constriction on day 18 (n = 13, 4 litters) and day 19 (n = 19, 7 litters). B: in contrast to the acute responses, chronic exposure to both COX inhibitors, starting on day 15, was not associated with ductus constriction on either day 18 (n = 12, 3 litters) or day 19 (n = 20, 6 litters). *P < 0.05 compared with vehicle-treated dams at each gestation.