Centers for Disease Control and Prevention employee trends in (a) gender differences in GSR grade, (b) odds ratios of promotion among men relative to women (dependent variable GSR-14+), and (c) odds ratios of promotion among men relative to women (dependent variable GSR-15+, conditional on GSR-14+), by year: United States, 2002–2006.
Note. CI = confidence interval; GSR = General Schedule and related series; GSR-14+ = GSR grades equal to or greater than GS-14; GSR-15+ = GSR grades equal to or greater than GS-15; OR = odds ratio. ORs for the male binary indicator were derived from logit regressions on GSR-14+ and GSR-15+. Regressions shown in panel C limited the sample to those at GSR-14+. ORs estimated predicted odds of promotion among men relative to women, all other factors being equal. The upper and lower bars represent 95% CIs.