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. 2009 Aug 7;11(1):133–143. doi: 10.1007/s10162-009-0184-9


MNI coordinates of local maxima (bold) and submaxima for the contrasts [CI > control] for language, melody, and rhythm stimuli

CI > control
x y z T Voxels Region
66 −36 6 7.33 487 L STG/STS
−60 −12 −6 5.16 L MTG
69 −27 6 6.65 674 R STG/STS
60 −9 −9 6.27 R MTG
57 33 18 3.96 24 R IFG
−66 −30 6 4.83 69 L STG/STS
63 −3 −9 4.53 57 R MTG
39 60 15 4.15 34 R MFG
63 −45 0 3.83 56 R MTG
69 −36 6 3.61 R STG/STS
−33 −54 42 3.66 36 L IPL
−39 48 −3 3.56 21 L MFG
60 −3 −9 5.06 138 R MTG
−63 −30 6 5 207 L STG/STS
−63 −3 −6 4.54 L MTG
69 −27 9 4.84 327 R STG
57 0 24 3.68 R PoCG
51 −39 60 4.7 97 R IPL
51 −12 54 3.37 R PoCG, PrCG
−54 −54 3 4.4 106 L MTG
−51 9 −18 3.93 35 L MTG
−39 −9 57 3.41 20 L PrCG

STG superior temporal gyrus, STS superior temporal sulcus, MTG middle temporal gyrus, IFG inferior frontal gyrus, MFG middle frontal gyrus, IPL inferior parietal lobule, PoCG postcentral gyrus, PrCG precentral gyrus, R right, L left