Figure 1. Th1-induced Lung Injury.
Ly5a mice were injected intravenously with 5 ×106 anti-Ly5a Th1 cells 6 h after IP administration of nonimmune rabbit serum (Th1 cells) or IP10/MIG antisera (Ab + Th1). Control mice received nonimmune rabbit serum but no Th1 cells (Control). Mice were sacrificed 3 days after Th1 cell transfer, and the lungs were lavaged and processed for histology. A) Total BALF cells. B) Total BALF alveolar macrophage (AM) cell numbers. C) BALF protein concentration. D) Representative images from mice pretreated with nonimmune rabbit serum or IP10/MIG neutralizing antisera showing reduced Th1-induced mononuclear cell vasculitis (arrows). E) Lung Inflammation score (see methods) of mice pretreated with either nonimmune rabbit serum or IP10/MIG antisera. Values are mean ± SD, *p <0.05. F) Infusion of non-alloreactive Th1 cells (anti-Ly5b) into Ly5a mice. Lungs were collected 3 days after transfer and processed for histology. The representative image demonstrates no obvious lung inflammation at day 3.