Mean speech-identification scores in RAUs for the young stimulus-matched (YSM) and the older hearing-impaired (OHI) groups (top) and for the young performance-matched (YPM) and OHI groups (bottom) across the eight listening conditions representing factorial combinations of competition meaningfulness (Forward/Reverse), talker uncertainty (High/Low), and gender match (Same/Different). Conditions are ordered along the x-axis from most difficult (left) to least difficulty (right), based on rank ordering of means and individual data. Error bars represent one standard error above the mean. FHS: forward, high, same; FLS: forward, low, same; FHD: forward, high, different: RHS: reverse, high, same; RLS: reverse, low, same; FLD: forward, low, different; RHD: reverse, high, different; and RLD: reverse, low, different.