Figure 5.
(A) Shows the three significant clusters (B–D) identified by a voxel-wise multiple regression, characterized by FA values which significantly correlate with the error rates of the APs in the AP-test. The highest correlational effect [designated by the epsilon (ε)] has been identified as the most superior located cluster (B) of the SLF. (B–D) provides close inspections of the significant clusters and plotted correlations obtained by the additional ROI analysis, which is based on the identified clusters in APs (see Section “Materials and Methods”). Accordingly, the error rates are plotted against mean FA values of RP and AP found by the ROI analysis. Asterisks (**p < 0.01) indicate the level of significance with respect to the calculated correlational coefficients (Pearson's r). Furthermore, (B–D) provides additional information concerning the corresponding cluster [k = number of voxels, t = highest t-value within the cluster, (x, y, z) = coordinates of the peak voxel of each cluster in MNI space].