Figure 6. Overexpressed full-length Kaiso localizes in the nucleus during interphase and at spindle material during mitosis.
This GFP-tagged full-length Kaiso is encoded by the K5 construct (Fig. 1). It is expressed in the nucleus during interphase (shown for HEK293 cells in upper row) and colocalizes with α-tubulin at the pericentrosomal region during mitosis (shown for MCF-7 in lower row). The picture of an MCF-7 cell in mitosis was made by focusing on the right centrosomal region (arrowhead). The arrow indicates the mitotic spindle. α-tubulin was detected with rat mAb YOL1/34 followed by an Alexa 594-conjugated anti-rat secondary antibody. DNA was stained with DAPI and cells were imaged (100× objective lens) with a Zeiss Axiophot microscope.