Figure 2. Preservation of visual function.
A. Visual acuity tested by Optomotor response. Unrestrained animals were placed on a platform, where they tracked the grating with reflexive head movements. The acuity threshold was quantified by increasing the spatial frequency of the grating. RCS rats received MSCs and medium injection via tail vein at P30 and tested at P90. Visual acuity was significantly better in MSC treated eyes compared with controls (P<0.001). A value of 0.43 c/d was recorded, which was 78% of normal value (0.55 c/d in wild-type). B. The luminance threshold was evaluated by recording single and multiunit activity close to the surface of the superior colliculus (SC). It measures functional sensitivity across the visual field, which in turn provides a topographic indication of the magnitude and area of photoreceptor rescue across the retina. MSC treated rats recorded around P90–100 revealed significantly lower threshold than controls (P<0.005), for example, over 60% of the SC area had threshold at 2.76 log units in MSC treated eyes, no detectable response in control eyes.