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. 1999 Sep 4;319(7210):619–622. doi: 10.1136/bmj.319.7210.619

Table 1.

Extent to which maternity units of 166 NHS trusts in England collected five “indicators of success” listed in Changing Childbirth6

Indicator No of responses No (%) of trusts collecting data
Women who have midwife as lead professional 145 51 (35)
Women who know the person who cares for them during their delivery 142 47 (33)
Women admitted under management of a midwife 143 55 (38)
Average No of antenatal visits for women with uncomplicated pregnancies 145 59 (41)
Women carrying their own case notes* 155 118 (76) 

Trusts may have responded positively if women usually carried their case notes, irrespective of whether the trust kept data about this practice.