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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Jul 22.
Published in final edited form as: Science. 2010 Jan 22;327(5964):469–474. doi: 10.1126/science.1182395

Table 1.

Homoplasies identified in the core regions of ST239 isolates. The SNP substitutions listed relate to the predicted forward strand of the TW20 chromosome. Isolates where homoplasies were detected are indicated, and where the isolates share the same node as illustrated in the phylogenic tree in Fig. 1 they are in parentheses. bp indicates base pairs.

SNP position Region Isolates SNP Substitution Antibiotic
7254 DNA gyrase subunit A (GyrA) HUSA304, (S85, S130, S87) T→G Ser84→Ala84
7255 GyrA (BK2421, LHH1), (GRE18, GRE317, GRE4), (TUR9,
TUR1), (TUR27, 3HK), (URU110, HU25, 2A8,
BRA36, BZ48, BRA2, CHL1, CHL151, HGSA9,
HGSA142, HSJ216, AGT67, AGT9, URU34, AGT1),
HUSA304, GRE108, (CHI59, CHI61), (S102, S40,
S71, S93, TW20, S38, S7, DEN907, S26, S25, S97,
S106, S2, S78, S42, S24, S81, S39, S21)
C→T Ser84Leu Quinolone (23)
7266 GyrA (HU109, HUR18), AGT120, HU106, (ICP5014,
G→A Lys88Glu Quinolone (23)
133864 Immunoglobulin G binding protein
A precursor
HU25, GRE108 G→A Synonymous
134787 92 bp upstream of immunoglobulin
G binding protein A precursor
3HK, (HU25, BZ48, BRA2, CHL1, AGT120,
HGSA142, HSJ216, AGT67, AGT9, AGT1)
G→T Intergenic
278498 129 bp upstream of putative acetyl–
coenzyme A transferase
(ANS46, BK2421, LHH1, R35, GRE18, GRE317,
GRE4, TUR9, TUR1, HU109, HUR18, TUR27, 3HK),
T→C Intergenic
436474 34 bp upstream of putative
(TUR9, TUR1, HU109, HUR18, TUR27, 3HK),
C→T Intergenic
594883 Tetrapyrrole (corrin/porphyrin)
methylase family protein
(BK24210, LHH1), TUR9 C→T Pro49Ser
657696 DNA-directed RNA polymerase beta
chain protein (RpoB)
GRE4, HSJ216, GRE108, HDG2 C→A Asp471Glu Rifampin (25)
657724 RpoB (GRE18, GRE317, GRE4), (TUR9, TUR1, HU109,
HUR18, TUR27, 3HK), (HU25, 2A8, BRA36, BZ48,
BRA2, CHL1, CHL151, AGT120, HGSA9, HGSA142,
HSJ216, AGT67, AGT9, URU34, AGT1), (HDG2,
HSA10, FFP103), (S85, S87, S130, S93, S71,
S102, S40)
C→A His481Asn Rifampin (25)
657869 DNA-directed RNA polymerase beta
chain protein RpoB
AGT67, (S93, S71, S102, S40) C→T Ser529Leu Rifampin (25)
666536 Translation elongation factor G (FusA) (GRE18, GRE317, GRE4), GRE108 T→A Leu461Lys Fusidic acid (20)
666537 FusA (GRE18, GRE317, GRE4), GRE108 T→A
681826 48 bp upstream of serine-aspartate
repeat-containing protein C
CHI61, (S26, S97, S2, S78, S39) C→A Intergenic
862898 Putative membrane protein GRE4, (S87, S130) A→C Ser160Ala
1130135 63 bp upstream of FolD bifunctional
URU110, HGSA9 G→T Intergenic
1138698 Phosphoribosylglycinamide
formyltransferase (PurN)
(GRE18, GRE317, GRE4), (HUSA304, HU106),
(HSA10, FFP103)
T→A Leu174Met
1172434 50 bp upstream of probable
manganese transport protein
(TUR27, 3HK), (HU25, 2A8, BRA36, BZ48, BRA2,
CHL1, CHL151, AGT120, HGSA9, HGSA142,
HSJ216, AGT67, AGT9, URU34, AGT1), (TW20,
S38, S7, DEN907, S26, S97, S25, S2, S106, S78,
S24, S81, S39)
T→G Intergenic
1172436 52 bp upstream of probable
manganese transport protein
(BK24210, LHH1), HSA11 T→C Intergenic
1172444 60 bp upstream of probable
manganese transport protein
(R35, GRE18, GRE317, GRE4), (HDG2, HSA10,
FFP103, ICP5011, ICP5014, ICP5062)
C→G Intergenic
1206826 ribonuclease HIII (HU25, 2A8, BRA36, BZ48, BRA2, CHL1, CHL151,
AGT120, HGSA9, HGSA142, HSJ216, AGT67,
AGT9, URU34, AGT1), (TW20)
C→T Glu199Lys
1261219 Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase CHI59, TW20 G→T Val588Phe Mupirocin (22)
1448063 Topoisomerase IV subunit A (GrlA) ANS46, R35, (HDG2, HSA10, FFP103), ICP5011 T→C Ser80Phe Quinolone (23)
1524413 Dihydrofolate reductase type I (DfrB) GRE18, (URU110, HU25, 2A8, BRA36, BZ48,
BRA2, CHL1, CHL151, AGT120, HGSA9, HGSA142,
HSJ216, AGT67, AGT9, URU34, AGT1)
T→C His150Arg Trimethoprim (24)
1524566 DfrB (ANS46, BK2421, LHH1), (GRE18, GRE317, GRE4),
(URU110, HU25, 2A8, BRA36, BZ48, BRA2, CHL1,
CHL151, AGT120, HGSA9, HGSA142, HSJ216,
AGT67, AGT9, URU34, AGT1), (HU106, HUSA304,
HDG2, HSA10, FFP103, ICP5011, ICP5014,
A→T Phe99Tyr Trimethoprim (21)
1524789 DfrB LHH1, 2A8 G→A Synonymous
1525796 Thymidylate synthase (ThyA) LHH1, 2A8, GRE108 G→A Synonymous
1525817 ThyA LHH1, 2A8, GRE108 G→A Synonymous
1525832 ThyA LHH1, 2A8, GRE108 G→A Synonymous
1640281 Glyoxalase/bleomycin resistance
protein/dioxygenase superfamily
ICP5014, (CHI59, CHI61) T→G Synonymous
1689862 Putative transcriptional repressor
(BK24210, LHH1), (HU106, HUSA304) C→T Synonymous
1755814 Probable cell wall amidase (LytH) HDG2, (S85, S87, S130, S93, S71, S102, S40,
TW20, S38, S7, DEN907, S26, S25, S97, S106, S2,
S78, S42, S24, S81, S39, S21)
A→G Pro63Ser
1921379 Bifunctional riboflavin biosynthesis
protein (RibD)
ANS46, URU110 G→T Asn208Lys
2334865 Protein SprT-like TUR1, S40 G→A Ser43Phe
2753531 458 bp upstream of conserved
hypothetical protein
(BK24210, LHH1), GRE18 A→T Intergenic
2828688 200 bp downstream of putative
exported protein
(TUR9, TUR1, HU109, TUR27, 3HK), GRE108,
T→C Intergenic
2828714 226 bp downstream of putative
exported protein
(TUR9, TUR1, HU109, TUR27, 3HK), GRE108,
CHI59, (S38, DEN907, S26, S25, S97, S106, S2,
S78, S42, S24, S81, S39, S21)
G→T Intergenic
2859765 39 bp upstream of
O-acetyltransferase (OatA)
3HK, S106 C→T Intergenic

Change from serine to alanine occurs due to accompanying SNP (7255) within the same codon.

Change from leucine to lysine due to the presence of both SNPs (666536, 666537) within the same codon.