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. 2009 Jan 7;65B(2):185–194. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbp131

Table 1.

Characteristics of CGs and CRs

Hispanic/Latino (n = 212)
Black/African American (n = 211) White/Caucasian (n = 219)
CG characteristics
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
    Age*** 59.81 (12.94) 60.13 (13.26) 65.23 (12.31)
    Years of education*** 10.84 (4.08) 13.07 (2.17) 13.78 (1.97)
    Years taking care of CR* 6.13 (9.91) 4.22 (5.24) 4.02 (5.39)
    Perceived social support** 16.53 (5.47) 18.08 (5.86) 18.15 (5.52)
    Religious coping*** 14.67 (3.29) 15.81 (2.76) 13.62 (4.17)
n (%) n (%) n (%)
     Male 38 (17.9) 34 (16.1) 38 (17.4)
     Female 174 (82.1) 177 (83.9) 181 (82.6)
    Relationship to CR***
     Spouse 83 (39.2) 63 (29.9) 126 (57.5)
     Nonspouse 129 (60.8) 148 (70.1) 93 (42.5)
    Income level***
     Refuse/unknown 9 (4.3) 11 (5.2) 10 (4.6)
     <$20,000 113 (53.3) 77 (36.5) 32 (14.6)
     $20,000–$39,999 56 (26.4) 67 (31.8) 65 (29.7)
     ≥$40,000 34 (16.0) 56 (26.5) 112 (51.1)
    Religious events’ attendance***
     Low 115 (54.2) 53 (25.1) 104 (47.5)
     High 97 (45.8) 158 (74.9) 115 (52.5)
CR characteristics
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
    Age* 79.17 (9.52) 81.34 (8.98) 80.10 (9.16)
    ADL limitation 3.39 (2.14) 3.34 (2.01) 3.18 (2.13)
    IADL limitation 6.55 (2.02) 6.52 (1.71) 6.64 (1.90)
    MMSE*** 11.42 (7.01) 12.48 (7.37) 14.40 (7.53)
n (%) n (%) n (%)
     Male 77 (36.3) 78 (37.0) 114 (52.1)
     Female 135 (63.7) 133 (63.0) 105 (47.9)

Notes: ADL = activities of daily living; IADL = instrumental activities of daily living; CG = caregivers; CR = care recipients; MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination.

*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.