Figure 2.
The principal cortical connections of area 46. A, Lateral view of the rhesus monkey brain shows projections from sensory association areas originating from: visual (red); auditory (yellow); and somatosensory (green) association cortices; Projections are also shown for a visuomotor region in the lateral bank of the intraparietal sulcus (pink). The diagram shows the origin of projections and their termination in area 46, but connections with these cortices are reciprocal. B, Interconnections of area 46 within the prefrontal cortex. C, Medial (top), lateral (center) and ventral (bottom) views of the rhesus monkey brain show projections from limbic (shades of blue) and premotor cortices (brown). Abbreviations: CC, corpus callosum; names of sulci (shown with black letters): A, arcuate; C, central; Cg, cingulate; IP, intraparietal; L, lunate; LF, lateral fissure; P, principal; Rh, rhinal; ST, superior temporal. Silhouette numbers and letters show architectonic areas: Pre-SMA, pre-supplementary motor area; SMA, supplementary motor area. TF, area TF in anterior medial temporal lobe; TH, area TH in posterior medial temporal lobe (parahippocampal cortex).