Influence of background removal on the recovery of BSA, ADH and TRF in MS/MS spectra of 100 fmol test samples. The original number of MS/MS spectra for the BSA (bovine serum albumine), ADH (yeast alcoholdehydrogenase) and TRF (human transferring) datasets (recorded on a DecaXP machine) are 2679, 2325 and 2608 respectively. The intensity threshold s (column 3) describes the search of the sequence ladder (length n in column 2) within the 15%, 20%, 25% or 30% top peaks (100% - all peaks are considered). The following three columns show the MS Cleaner output - number of spectra with background removal, number of unselected spectra and the MS Cleaner CPU time on a single-processor Windows XP computer (Pentium IV 2.4 GHz; to get exact measurements of computation time, we did not use the cluster version). The remaining four columns present the MASCOT output - the CPU time on the same machine, the protein score, the number of spectra matching peptides in a MASCOT search and the final sequence coverage. For each dataset, the first line shows the results for the case when MS Cleaner is not used for pre-processing and the MS/MS data is immediately interpreted by MASCOT.