Effects of quipazine injection. A and B: effects of quipazine on the force and EMG responses to F/E limb movements observed after EES. A: dynamic (Dyn) and static (Stat) components of force response after stimulation alone (EES) and after stimulation combined with quipazine application (Q+EES). B: ratio of EMG values for Q+EES and EES conditions. C: duration of the period of post-EES reflex facilitation (mean ± SE). In A, N = 4, n = 8; in B, N = 8, n = 18 and 16; in C, N = 8, n = 17 and 15. D and E: pattern of EMG responses to F/E limb movements in Gast and Vast. Four categories of responses were distinguished: activation of the muscle with flexion of the ipsilateral limb (Flex), activation with limb extension (Ext), activation with both flexion and extension (Flex&Ext), and no response to F/E stimuli (No resp). On the y-axis is shown a proportion of different categories of responses. Analysis was done for 6 conditions indicated below the graphs. Number of animals and tests: Gast (N = 8, n = 18); Vast (N = 8, n = 15).