Fig. 5.
Effect of daily orally-administered MSeA starting from 10 weeks or 16 weeks of age on the long-term survival of TRAMP mice. A. Kaplan-Meier survival curves of all causes of mortality. Median survival time was 40.5, 40.5 and 45.0 weeks for the water-treated control mice (N =31), 16-week MSeA (N=30) and 10-week MSeA (N=31) groups, respectively. Two group log rank tests: water vs. 16 wk MSeA P = 0.1793; water vs. 10 wk MSeA, P=0.0225 and 16 wk vs. 10 wk MSeA P=0.4467. B. Kaplan-Meier survival curves with mice died of verifiable non-tumor causes before 30 weeks of age excluded (effective number of mice for plots: water-treated group, N = 28; 10 wk MSeA group, N=25; 16 wk MSeA group, N=23). Median survival time was 42, 43 and 47 weeks for the water-treated, 16 week MSeA and 10 week MSeA groups, respectively. Two group log rank tests: water vs. 16 wk MSeA, P=0.0385; water vs. 10 wk MSeA P=0.0078; and 16 wk MSeA vs. 10 wk MSeA, P=0.7269. C. Scatter-plots of the weight of GU at necropsy of the water-, 10-week and 16-week MSeA treated mice vs. age at death/euthanasia. Synaptophysin IHC staining status in prostate carcinoma/lesions was indicated (Syp(-), negative, empty circles; Syp(+), positive, solid squares). D. Metastasis incidence of the water- vs. 10-week and 16-week MSeA treated groups. When the MSeA groups were combined for comparison with the water group, Chi square = 4.51, 1 degree of freedom, 0.025< P <0.05.