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. 2010 Jan 18;11:43. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-43

Table 1.

Fruits maturity and physiological parameters.

Sample Firmness (N) TSS (%) Respiration Rate (mL CO2 kg-1 h-1) Ethylene production (μL C2H4 kg-1 h-1 ) % juice Browning degree3
Packing 72.5a 10.7a 28.8a 1.6a -2 +
Packing + ripening 7.9b 10.6a 110.8b 4.7a 31.3a ++
Stored at 4°C 43.2c 11.1a 94.3c 1.0a -2 +
Stored at 4°C + ripening 6.8b -1 98.2c 18.1b 0.7b +++/++++

TSS - Total soluble solids

a,b,c Values (means) followed by different small letters are significantly different within the same column at P = 0.05

1: No sample available for measurements

2 : Juice can not be measured in these samples due to the high firmnes they present

3: Please refer to additional file 1 for further details; + no browning; ++ no browning degree with a color change of the mesocarp; +++ medium browning degree; ++++ high browning degree

The data used in this table have been acquired from Campos-Vargas et al. Sci Hortic-Amsterdam 2006, 110(1):79-83