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. 2010 Jan 5;102(3):482–488. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605509

Table 7. Clinical characteristics, molecular screening test results and family history of patients fulfilling the Amsterdam II criteria.

ID Age at CRC (years) Gender Tumour localisation MSI status BRAF Methylation status Molecular analyses conclusion Tumour in relative (age at diagnosis in years) Germline test result
1 48 M Right colon MSI-H Wt Neg LS likely Mo:CR(54); Si:EN(55) PMS2
2 46 F Right colon MSI-H Wt Neg LS likely Mo:EN(48); MatGrandMo:Ur(56); Fa:Pro(70) Si:CER(51); MSH2
3 74 F Rectum MSS Wt Neg Likely non-LS Da:EN(48);Si:EN(49); MatGrandFa:Abd(70)  
4 75 F Right colon MSS Wt Neg Likely non-LS Mo:CR(46); Bro:CR(78);Si:Cr(79)  
5 67 M Right colon MSS Wt Neg Likely non-LS Bro:CR(35);Fa:Cr(85); PatGrandPa:Cr(60); PatUn:Abd(∼70); PatUn:Abd (∼70); PatAu:Abd(∼70); PatAu:Abd(∼70)  
6 59 M Rectum MSS Wt Neg Likely non-LS Bro:CR(29); Mo:EN(40); MatAu:CR(58);MatAu:CR(63) Fa:Pro(65); 11 MatAu/MatUn:Unkn  
7 81 M Right colon MSS Wt Neg Likely non-LS Bro:CR(70); Pat Un:CR(53); Pat Un CR(27); Pat Un:CR(50); Fa: ‘Bile/gall bladder’ Mat Un;Lung(smoker)
8 72 M Right and left colon (synch) MSI-H Wt Neg LS likely Si: CR(58). Da: CR(38); Pat.Un CR(53); Pat.Un Abd(50) Germline test MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, negative

Abbreviations: Abd=abdomen; Au=aunt; Bro=brother; CR=colorectal; CRC=colorectal cancer; Da=daughter; EN=endometrium; Fa=father; GrandFa=grandfather; GrandMo=grandmother; Mat=maternal; methylation status=promotor methylation of MLH1; Mo=mother; MSI=microsatellite status; MSI-H=microsatellite high; MSS=microsatellite stable; neg=no methylation; Pat=paternal; pos=methylation found; Pro=prostate; Si=sister; So=son; Un=uncle; Unkn=unknown; Ur=ureter or cancer of the ureter/renal pelvis; UT CER=uterine cervix; wt=no BRAF mutation.

Molecular screening analyses conclusion: LS=if possible LS; non-LS=if likely sporadic CRC.

Lynch syndrome-associated tumours=colorectal, endometrium, cancer of the small bowel and ureter or renal pelvic cancer.