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. 2010 Feb 15;6(1):79–83.

Table 3.

Literature on drug-induced REM behavior disorder (RBD) ordered by publication date.

Area shaded gray is the key for Table 3

Reference—Drug, Dosage Used
Drug mechanism of action Other medications Number of patients evaluated, Age, Sex PSG documenting PLMS Co-morbid condition
Tobacco use evaluated
T1/2, Tmax • Treatment for RBD → Response to treatment Caffeine use evaluated PSG documenting OSA Clinical Manifestations of RBD present
Timing of medication dosage Alcohol use evaluated
Akindele et al. 197056—Phenelzine, 45-60 mg/day
• Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
  • Patients A and B: nialamide

  • Rest of the patients: unknown

7; Patients A, B, F, G are “young adults” and are all male. Patients M, R, K have a mean age of 47 and are all female. PLMS not mentioned A, B, F, G: normal M, R, K: psychiatric
11 h, 43 min • Discontinuation of phenelzine → RSWA ceased No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned G, F, M: had vivid dreams All 7 patients had RSWA.
Unknown Yes. Patients had no alcohol use.
Guilleminault et al. 197627—Clomipramine, 100 mg/day
  • • Tricyclic antidepressant

  • Inhibits re-uptake of serotonin

• 17/21 patients were on methylphenidate and/or amphetamine 21, mean age 37, 10 male PLMS not mentioned Narcolepsy
• 19-37 h, 2-6 h • Discontinuation of clomipramine → effect on RSWSA unknown No • Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned No
• 25 mg QID, 8 AM, 12 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM No
Besset 197874—Clomipramine, 100-175 mg/day
  • Tricyclic antidepressant

  • Inhibits re-uptake of serotonin

• Unknown 7, mean age unknown, age range 20-25, 5 male PLMS not mentioned Normal
• 19-37 hours, 2-6 hours • Discontinuation of clomipramine → effect on RSWA unknown No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned No
• Unknown No
Bental et al. 197972—Clomipramine, 75 mg/day
  • Tricyclic antidepressant

  • Inhibits re-uptake of serotonin

Unknown 1, 52, female PLMS not mentioned Narcolepsy
• 19-37 hours, 2-6 hours • Decrease dosage of clomipramine → failed No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned Yes
• Unknown No
Schenck 199273—3 of 17 patients developed RBD, Patient 12, Nortriptyline, 100 mg/day; Patient 13, Imipramine, 225 mg/day; Patient 14, Imipramine, 30 mg/day
• Tricyclic antidepressant
  • Patient 12: Methylphenidate 35 mg/day

  • Patient 13: Methylphenidate 110 mg/day

  • Patient 14: Pemoline 112 mg/day

3, mean age 41, 1 male Yes.
10/17 had PLMS. Unknown if patient 12, 13, 14 had PLMS.
• Various • None No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned Yes
• Unknown No
Schenck et al. 199228—SSRI: fluoxetine TCAs: amitriptyline, nortriptyline, imipramine, desipramine, protriptyline, trimipramine
  • SSRI

  • TCA

  • 2 patients with subclinical RBD on TCA: imipramine

  • Others unknown

Total patients unknown Mean age unknown
Sex distribution unknown
41 patients on fluoxetine
52 patients on TCA (amitriptyline 23, nortriptyline 8, imipramine 10, desipramine 6, protriptyline 4, trimipramine 1)
One patient with RBD on fluoxetine: 32-year-old man
Two patients with subclinical RBD on TCA: 32-year-old woman, 37-year-old man
Other patients unknown
15/41 patient on fluoxetine
13/52 patients on TCA
Unknown whether patients with RBD or subclinical RBD had PLMS
Mean age across all groups: 38
• Various medications • 1 patient with RBD on fluoxetine: cessation of fluoxetine → failed No Yes 16/41 patients on fluoxetine 21/52 patients on TCA Unknown whether patients with RBD or subclinical RBD had OSA Yes
  • 1 patient with RBD on fluoxetine: fluoxetine 20 mg BID

  • 6 patients with subclinical RBD on fluoxetine: unknown

  • 1 patients with RBD on TCA: unknown

  • 150 mg at bedtime

Niiyama et al. 199354—Clomipramine, 50 mg/day
  • Tricyclic antidepressant

  • Inhibits re-uptake of serotonin

• Unknown 11, mean age 20, all male PLMS not mentioned Normal
• 19-37 h, 2-6 h • None No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned No
• 1 h before PSG No
Louden et al. 199557—Selegiline, Patient 1, 5 mg/day; Patient 2-3, 10 mg/day
Monoamine oxidase type B inhibitor
  • Patient 1: unknown

  • Patient 2: Carbidopa 25 mg/levodopa 100 mg BID, other medications unknown

  • Patient 3: unknown

Three patients Patient 1: 81, male Patient 2: 60, male Patient 3: 71, female Mean age: 70 PLMS not mentioned. Parkinson disease
• Unknown
  • Patient 1: not evaluated

  • Patient 2: Discontinuation of selegiline → RBD ceased

  • Patient 3: not evaluated

No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned. Yes
  • Patient 1: unknown

  • Patient 2-3: twice a day

Carlander et al. 1996*77—Experimental acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
• Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor • Unknown 1, 66, male PLMS not mentioned Alzheimer's disease
• Unknown • Discontinuation of experimental acetylcholinesterase inhibitor → RBD subsided No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned Yes
• Unknown No
Schutte et al. 1996*58—Venlafaxine, dosage unknown
  • Serotonin reuptake inhibitor

  • Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor

  • Dopamine reuptake inhibitor

• lithium, lovastatin 1, 59, male PLMI: 17. Psychiatric
• 5 h, 2 h • Addition of clonazepam → RBD ceased No Patient on CPAP during PSG after start of venlafaxine. Prior PSG showed AHI of 46. Yes
Unknown No
Iranzo et al. 199978—Bisoprolol, Patient 1, 10 mg/day; Patient 2, 2.5 mg/day
• β -adrenoreceptor antagonist • Unknown Patient 1: 50, female Patient 2: 56, male PLMS not mentioned Hypertension
• 9-12 h, 2-4 h
  • Patient 1: Bisoprolol discontinued → RBD ceased

  • Patient 2: Bisoprolol replaced by enalapril → RBD subsided

No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned Yes
• Unknown No
Attarian et al. 200055—Clomipramine, 75 mg/day
  • Tricyclic antidepressant

  • Inhibits re-uptake of serotonin

• Unknown 1, 55, female PLMS not mentioned Narcolepsy
• 19-37 h, 2-6 h • None No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned Yes
• Bedtime No
Onofrj et al. 200359—Mirtazapine, 30 mg/day
• post-synaptic 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 antagonist
  • Patient 1: 500 mg levodopa, benserazide

  • Patient 2: 300 mg levodopa and carbidopa

  • Patient 3: unknown

  • Patient 4: 600 mg levodopa and carbidopa, benserazide

4, mean age: 72, all male PLMS not mentioned Parkinson disease
• 20-40 h, 2 h • Patients 1-4: Discontinuation of mirtazapine → RBD ceased No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned Yes
• Unknown No
Winkelman et al. 200429—5 patients on fluoxetine, 25-50 mg/day; 3 patients on paroxetine, 15-40 mg/day; 3 patients on citalopram, 20-40 mg/day; 3 patients on sertraline, 100-225 mg/day; 1 patient on venlafaxine, 400 mg/day
  • 2 patients on bupropion

  • Other medications unknown

15, mean age 45, 6 male PLMS not mentioned Psychiatric
• Various • None No Patients with OSA were excluded No
• Unknown No
Dib et al. 200875—12 patients. Serotonergic antidepressants were evaluated. Exact medications unknown.
• SSRI • Unknown 12, age range: 40-60, all male PLMS not mentioned Unknown
• Various • None No Sleep disordered breathing not mentioned Unknown. Tonic EMG activity was significantly more in drug group than in control group.
• Unknown No

Reference is a published abstract (Carlander 1996, Schutte 1996).

TCA, tricyclic antidepressants; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; Subclinical RBD in Schenck 1992 is defined as increased electromyogram tone in REM with no specific clinical correlates; PLMI, periodic limb movement index; AHI, apnea hypopnea index; QID, four times a day; PLMS, Periodic limb movements of sleep; OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; TCA, tricyclic antidepressants; RSWA, REM sleep without atonia; Tmax, time to maximum serum concentration; T1/2, serum half-life.