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. 2010 Feb 15;6(1):79–83.

Table 5.

Drug-induced restless legs syndrome (RLS), periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS), and rapid eye movement behavior disorder/rem sleep without atonia (RBD/RSWA)

Drug RLS
Antidepressants: TCA Reference Name Score Reference Name Score Reference Name Score
Amitriptyline Leutgeb 200222 10 Garvey 198724 9 Schenck, Mahowald, Kim 199228 8
Husain 199725 8

Clomipramine Guilleminault 1976 27 10
Myers 198631 8 NA NA Besset 1978 74 7
Leutgeb 2002 22 10 Bental 197972 4
Niiyama 199354 7
Attarian 200055 5

Dibenzepine Leutgeb 2002 22 10 NA NA NA NA

Desipramine NA NA Garvey 1987 24 9 Schenck, Mahowald, Kim 1992 28 8

Doxepine Leutgeb 2002 22 10 NA NA NA NA

Imipramine Myers 1986 31 8 Ware 1984 66 7 Schenck, Mahowald 1992 73 6
Leutgeb 2002 22 10 Garvey 1987 24 9 Schenck, Mahowald, Kim 1992 28 8

Maprotiline Leutgeb 2002 22 10 Garvey 1987 24 9 NA NA

Notriptyline Myers 198631 8 Garvey 1987 24 9 Schenck, Mahowald 1992 73 6
Leutgeb 2002 22 10 Schenck, Mahowald, Kim 199228 8

Opipramol Leutgeb 2002 22 10 NA NA NA NA

Trimipramine Leutgeb 2002 22 10 Ware 1984 66 7 Schenck, Mahowald, Kim 199228 8

Antidepressants: SSRI

Citalopram Leutgeb 2002 22 10 Yang 2005 26 15 Winkelman 2004 29 7

Escitalopram Page 2008 51 14 NA NA NA NA

Fluoxetine Bakshi 199634 11
Dimmit 200020 7 Dorsey 1996 76 8 Schenck, Mahowald, Kim 199228 8
Leutgeb 2002 22 10 Husain 1997 25 8 Winkelman 2004 29 7
Prospero-Garcia 2006 52 10 Yang 2005 26 15

Paroxetine Sanz-Fuentenebro 199635 11
Dimmit 2000 20 7 Perroud 200748 7
Leutgeb 2002 22 10 Husain 1997 25 8 Winkelman 2004 29 7
Ozturk 2006 46 8 Yang 2005 26 15

Sertraline Hargrave 199836 4
Dimmit 2000 20 7 Husain 199725 8 Winkelman 200429 7
Leutgeb 2002 22 10 Yang 2005 26 15

Antidepressants: MAOI

Phenelzine NA NA NA NA Akindele 1970 56 8

Histamine antagonist

Mianserin Paik 198960 12 NA NA NA NA
Hargrave 199836 4

Antipsychotics: Typical

Haloperidol Horiguchi 1999 37 9 NA NA NA NA

Drug RLS
Antidepressants: Mixed mechanism Reference Name Score Reference Name Score Reference Name Score
Buproprione NA NA Yang 2005 26 15 NA NA

Mirtazapine Bonnin 2000 39 7
Agargun 2002 40 9
Bahk 2002 41 10 NA NA Onofrj 2003 59 6
Chang 2006 47 11
Prospero-Garcia 2006 52 10

Trazadone NA NA Garvey 1987 24 9 NA NA

Venlafaxine NA NA Salin-Pascual 1997 53 9 Schutte 1996 58 5
Yang 2005 26 15

Antipsychotics: Atypical

Olanzapine Kraus 199938 14 NA NA NA NA

Risperidone Wetter 2002 42 12 NA NA NA NA

Methosuximide Drake 198863 8 NA NA NA NA

Phenytoin Drake 198863 8 NA NA NA NA

Zonisamide Chen 2003 44 12 NA NA NA NA


Bisoprolol NA NA NA NA Iranzo 1999 78 6

Cimetidine O'Sullivan 1993 33 9 NA NA NA NA

Lithium Heiman 1986 30 5 NA NA NA NA
Terao 1991 32 6

L-thyroxine Tan 2004 45 11 NA NA NA NA

Pergolide and L-dopa/Carbidopa Santamaria 2003 43 13 NA NA NA NA

Selegiline NA NA NA NA Louden 1995 57 10

Sodium oxybate Abril 2007 49 13 NA NA NA NA

Tramadol Earley 2006 68 6 NA NA NA NA
Vertrugno 2007 50 14

References and evidence scores are listed for each medication (see methodology section for scoring guidelines). TCA, tricyclic antidepressant; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; NA, data not available. Bolded scores are the highest scores for RLS (14), PLMS (15), and RBD/RSWA (10).