Figure 3.
δ-KO mice have reduced sensitivity to the behavioral effects of muscimol. The fixed speed rotarod measured effects of muscimol on motor performance in δ-KO mice (white squares) and WT mice (black squares). At 1.5 mg/kg, there was a significant effect of gender (p<0.05) and therefore, data were split between (a) females and (b) males. Motor impairment by the dose of 1.5 mg/kg in female δ-KO mice was greatly reduced (p<0.01) compared with female WT mice (n=5 KO and 5 WT). Male mice were not affected by muscimol at this dose (n=3 KO and 4 WT). δ-KO mice were less sensitive to the effects of muscimol at (c) 2.0 mg/kg (p<0.001; n=16 KO and 12 WT) and (d) 3.0 mg/kg (p<0.0001; n=16 KO and 12 WT) (repeated measures ANOVA).