Kinase activity of the full length of LysM RLK1-yEGFP in a dose-dependent manner. A, various concentrations of LysM RLK1-yEGFP and yEGFP were subjected to an autophosphorylation assay without chitin, or various concentrations of LysM RLK1-yEGFP were also subjected to an autophosphorylation assay with 500 μm r(GlcNAc)9 or 25 μg/ml glycol chitin. The samples were electrophoresed on a 6% SDS gel for LysM RLK1 and a 12% gel for yEGFP. After the SDS-PAGE, the gels were CBB-stained, dried under the vacuum, and analyzed by autoradiography. The gels were exposed to an imaging plate for the same time period. B, the relative amount of phosphorylated LysM RLK1-yEGFP bands were determined by ImageJ and calculated by comparison with the band intensity in 1 μg of LysM RLK1-yEGFP without chitin (100% phosphorylation). The experiments were repeated twice, and similar results were obtained.