GEM Study Neuropsychological Battery of Cognitive Test Variables and Domains Included in Cognitive Impairment Case Identification
Memory | Attention/psychomotor speed |
Verbal: California Verbal Learning Test–long delayed free recall | WAIS-R digit span forward (total score) |
Visual: 24-point modified Rey Osterrieth figure–delayed recall | Trail Making Test A (time in seconds) |
Construction | Executive functions |
24-point modified Rey Osterrieth figure–copy condition | Trail Making Test B (time in seconds) |
24-point modified Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–Revised (WAIS-R) block design | Stroop color/word test–interference condition, number of colors named |
Language | Premorbid intellectual functioning |
30-item Boston Naming Test | National Adult Reading Test–American version |
Animal fluency | Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices |