Fig. 1.
(A and B) Circadian takeout RNA expression in ClkJRK(CS) males is constant at high levels. takeout qPCR analysis of male head RNA from flies collected at the indicated times under (A) LD (ZT) and (B) DD conditions (CT). Relative to mRNA levels were quantified as described in Materials and Methods. RNA levels were normalized to the amount in control CS flies at ZT1. Data are from three independent repeats. Original ClkJRK mutants, mutants carrying a high-expressing takeout allele ClkJRK(CS), and CS control flies were examined. (C and D) Takeout (TO) protein levels are under posttranscriptional control. Quantification of TO levels from Western blots. TO levels were quantified as described in Materials and Methods and normalized to wild-type levels. Data are from three independent repeats. Proteins from heads of wild-type CS and ClkJRK(CS) males were examined. (C) Flies were collected at the indicated times under LD conditions (ZT). (D) Flies were entrained for 3 days and collected at the indicated times on the first day of DD.