Fig. 1.
Reaction of O2 with TiO2(110). (A) Ball model of TiO2(110). Red and blue spheres denote O and Ti, respectively. The pink spheres are bridging O atoms, which lie in the [001] azimuth of the substrate. Parallel Ti rows that lie between the bridging-O rows are fivefold coordinated Ti atoms. Green spheres indicate H atoms (from OHb). (B) 130 × 170 Å 2 STM image (V = 1.5 V, I = 0.25 nA) of an as-prepared TiO2(110) surface that contains Ob-vac and OHb. OHb forms from dissociation of water from the residual vacuum at Ob-vac. An Ob-vac, an OHb, and an OHb pair are indicated. (C) The surface in B after exposure to ∼90 L O2 at 300 K. One of the bright spots assigned to Oad is circled. B and C have been smoothed using Image SXM (12) v.1.75. (D) A histogram showing the height distribution of 276 bright spots found on the Ti5c rows fitted to two Gaussian curves. The data are taken from an unsmoothed, larger version of the image in C. The histogram indicates that the reaction products are almost entirely from one species.