Math1 activates the expression of Brn3.1 in CNPs. In comparison with ev transfection, Math1 cDNA transfection in CNPs successfully induced the expression of the Math1 mRNA transcripts at day 1 or 2 (A). Note that the higher the mRNA transcripts are, the lower the “threshold” cycles (Ct) are. Luciferase assays demonstrated that Math1 cDNA transfection in CNPs significantly increased the promoter activity of Brn3.1 in a time-dependent manner (B). The expression level of Brn3.1 mRNA transcripts was higher in those Math1-transfected CNPs than in ev-transfected CNPs for 2–4 days (C). Note that Math1-transfected CNPs have a remarkable increase of the mRNA transcripts for Math1 and a detectable increase of the mRNA for Brn3.1. Y axis, fluorescent intensity; X axis, cycle; solid line, the fluorescent level (approximately 200~500) being used as the “threshold” cycle of qPCR in this study (true threshold cycle at 100 or below).