A. C5B cells were transfected with DNA constructs expressing Wt and DN Rab5, (i-vi; a & b), 6 (vii-xii; c & d) or 7 (xiii-xviii; e & f). At 24 h post-transfection, the cells were stained with NS4B-specific antibody and samples were examined via confocal microscopy. B. C5B cells were transfected with DNA constructs expressing Wt and DN Rab11, (i-vi; a & b), 1 (vii-xii; c & d) or 2 (xiii-xviii; e & f). Magnified areas are indicated by rectangles and Rabs are pseudo-colored green. Notice that expression of DN Rab5 (b), Rab7 (f), and to a lesser extent Rab6 (d), results in a disruption of NS4B foci. DN Rab11 (b), Rab1 (d), or Rab2 (f) does not siginificantly disrupt NS4B foci. Bars = 10 μm.