Composite data of the effect of ranolazine (5 or 10 μM) on basic cycle length (BCL) at which 1:1 activation failure occurred in pulmonary vein (PV) sleeve (A, n=5) and left ventricular (LV) wedge (B, n=4) preparations isolated from untreated and chronic amiodarone-treated (Amio) dogs. In untreated dogs, ranolazine (10 μM) induced a significant increase of the BCL permitting 1:1 activation in PV but not LV wedge preparations. Chronic amiodarone treatment led to a significant increase in the basic cycle length (BCL) permitting 1:1 activation in both PV sleeve and LV, wedge, which was greatly accentuated in PV sleeves but not LV wedges following the addition of ranolazine (5 and 10 μM). *p<0.05 vs Control, † p<0.05 Amio+Ranolazine vs Amio alone. Ran = ranolazine; Amio = chronic amiodarone. PV sleeve: n=5 dogs for each condition; LV wedge: n =4 dogs for each condition.