Fig. 5.
Determination of cardiovascular parameters, including blood pressure, of mice grafted with HSE secreting human ANP compared with control mice during normal diet consumption. Carotid artery/aortic arch blood pressure transducers with transmitters were implanted in 12 mice, 4 from each group (Kc-MDR/Fb-MDR, Kc-ANP/Fb-MDR, Kc-MDR/Fb-ANP), and different hemodynamic parameters were measured every h for 3 consecutive days. (A) Sample graphs depicting mean values for different cardiovascular parameters (MAP, SBP, DBP, PP, and activity) of mice grafted with HSE expressing ANP from epidermis (Kc-ANP/Fb-MDR,•, n = 4) and mice grafted with control HSE (Kc-MDR/Fb-MDR, ○, n = 4) measured every h for 60 h. The 24-h mean values for MAP (B), SBP (C), DBP (mm Hg) (D), and HR in beats per min (bpm) (E) are shown for control mice (Kc-MDR/Fb-MDR) and mice with ANP-expressing HSE (Kc-ANP/Fb-MDR; Kc-MDR/Fb-ANP). *, P ≤ 0.05; **, P ≤ 0.01; *** , P ≤ 0.005; n.s., not statistically significant.