Figure 4. Cox-2 expression and cell proliferation in Ptenpr−/−/p53pr−/− uteri.
A) Western blot analysis of Cox-2 and Cox-1 in Ptenpr−/−/p53pr−/− uteri. Actin serves as control. B) RT-PCR of Cox-2 in Ptenpr−/−/p53pr−/− uteri. β-Actin is a housekeeping gene. C) In situ hybridization of Cox-2 in Ptenpr−/−/p53pr−/− and wild-type uteri. kid, kidney. Bar, 400 μm. D) Immunohistochemistry of Cox-2 in 3-week old Ptenpr−/−/p53pr−/− and wild-type mice (upper panel). Immunohistochemistry of Ki67 in 3-week and 2 months old Ptenpr−/− and Ptenpr−/−/p53pr−/− and wild-type uteri (lower panels). Arrowheads indicated leading edge. Bar, 200 μm. le, luminal epithelium; ge, glandular epithelium; s, stroma; myo, myometrium; T, tumor.