Fig. 3.
Creation of a SCN1A stable cell line by simultaneous genomic integration of two piggyBac transposons. Efficient stable integration of sodium channel transgenes by piggyBac transposition. (A) Methylene blue staining of HEK-293 colonies following transfection with the indicated plasmids and selection with G418/Puromycin for 3 weeks. Colonies stably coexpressing pT-SCN1A:3XFLAG and pT-SCN1B:cMyc-IRES-SCN2B:HA were able to grow in the presence of G418/Puromycin selection. (B) Protein expression from each piggyBac transposon confirmed for ten selected clones by Western blot analysis. Transgene specific proteins were detected by primary antibodies directed against the appropriate epitope tag (FLAG, cMyc, or HA). Detection of the endogenous protein transferrin confirms protein loading.