Systematic, cell type-specific differences in responsiveness to gamma-band oscillatory synchronized inhibition. A, Typical responses of three types of pyramidal neurons: layer 5 bursting (L5B) (a), layer 5 regular spiking (L5R) (b), and layer 2/3 regular spiking (L2/3) (c). All of the firing rates of the example pyramidal cells change gradually with changes in mean drive, indicating a high dynamic range (“DR”) (in picoamperes/spike: L5B, 28; L5, 32; L2/3, 31). The example L2/3 and L5R pyramidal neurons show substantial dependence of firing rates on changes in input synchrony, normalized by changes in input mean (normalized synchrony dependence or “NSD,” unitless ratio: L2/3, 0.5; L5R, 0.35), whereas the firing rate of the L5B neuron is relatively unaffected by changes in input synchrony (NSD, 0.12). B, Typical responses of three types of inhibitory interneurons from the GIN, G30, and G42 mouse lines. The firing rates of the GIN and G30 neurons gradually change with changes in mean drive (DR in picoamperes/spike: GIN, 30; G30, 9). However, the firing rate of the GIN neuron is relatively unaffected by changes in input synchrony (NSD, 0.12), whereas the firing rate of the G30 neuron gradually increases with input synchrony (NSD, 0.5). The firing rate of the G42 neuron changes abruptly with changes in mean drive (DR, 0.7 pA/spike) and is strongly affected by changes in input synchrony (NSD, 1.1). C, Top, The six cell types differed in their normalized synchrony dependence (n = 47 cells). L5B, Dark red triangle, n = 8; L5R, red right triangle, n = 9; L2/3, orange left triangle, n = 10; GIN, cyan square, n = 5; G30, green diamond, n = 9; and G42, blue circle, n = 6. Bottom, Significant differences in normalized synchrony dependence between cell types (Kruskal–Wallis p < 0.05 after Benjamini–Hochberg multiple-comparisons correction) are indicated by the corresponding cell marker. D, Top, The median dependence of firing rate on changes on input mean (picoamperes per spike; n = 47 cells). Bottom, Significant differences (Kruskal–Wallis p < 0.05 after Benjamini–Hochberg multiple-comparisons correction) are indicated by the corresponding cell marker.