Kinetics of block of α-conotoxin BuIA on α3β2 and α3 with point mutations in β2. Note that β2 Val111Ile speeds recovery, whereas Phe119Gln slows recovery from block by α-conotoxin BuIA . A, 5 nM α-conotoxin BuIA applied to α3β2. B, Washout of α-conotoxin BuIA from α3β2. C, 6 nM α-conotoxin BuIA applied to α3β2Val111Ile. D, washout of α-conotoxin BuIA from α3β2Val111Ile and α3β2Phe119Gln. E, 500 pM α-conotoxin BuIA applied to α3β2Phe119Gln. Toxin was applied by perfusion to oocytes expressing the indicated nAChRs as described in Materials and Methods. Response to a 1 sec pulse of ACh was measured. Results are summarized in Table 1.