Table 4:
Cascading communication effects among those insufficiently and sufficiently active at 1981 baseline
Communication effects among those insufficiently active (1981) | Communication effects among those sufficiently active (1981) | |
AORa (95% CI) | AORa (95% CI) | |
Aware (1981)→Outcome expectancy (1988) | (n = 1866) | (n = 595) |
Not aware | Referent | |
Moderate outcome expectancy | 1.7 (0.87, 3.36) | 1.7 (0.35, 8.67) |
High outcome expectancy | 1.9 (1.01. 3.56)*,** | 3.3 (0.76, 14.20) |
Outcome expectancy (1988)→positive attitude (1988) | (n = 1866) | (n = 595) |
Low outcome score | Referent | |
Moderate outcome score | 3.8 (0.90, 16.33) | 0.5 (0.12, 2.31) |
High outcome score | 11.2 (2.71, 46.59)**,*** | 1.6 (0.39, 6.20) |
Positive attitude (1988)→decision balance (1988) | (n = 1866) | (n = 595) |
Lower attitude score | Referent | |
High positive attitude score | 2.9 (2.24–3.74)**,**** | 3.3 (2.12, 5.00)**,**** |
Decision balance (1988)→intention (1988) | (n = 1866) | (n = 595) |
Lower decision balance score | Referent | |
High decision balance score | 5.1 (4.07, 6.16)**,**** | 3.5 (2.44, 4.89)**,**** |
Intention (1988)→sufficiently active (2002–4) | (n = 1404) | (n = 480) |
Less than 3 times weekly | Referent | |
3 or more times weekly | 2.1 (1.59, 2.89)**,**** | 4.0 (2.32, 6.74)**,**** |
aAdjusted for age, sex and educational attainment.
*p<0.05 prior to Holm's adjustment for multiple comparisons.
**p<0.05 after Holm's adjustment for multiple comparison.
***p<0.001 prior to Holm's adjustment for multiple comparisons.
****p=0.000 prior to Holm's adjustment for multiple comparisons.