Figure 5.
Development of anti-dsDNA antibodies in dnMEK/CD2-rtTA mice. (a) An example showing serial anti-dsDNA antibody titer in two littermate mice; double transgenic with and without doxycycline. (b) Anti-dsDNA antibody titer at 12 weeks following doxycycline treatment. Sera were collected from double-transgenic mice as well as wild-type mice with and without doxycycline. Double-transgenic mice with, but not without, doxycycline develop anti-dsDNA antibodies specific for lupus (0.319 ± 0.039 versus 0.156 ± 0.040 (mean absorbance ± s.e.m.); P = 0.04). The cutoff for positive result in this assay was 0.253 (dotted line).