A, force and average motor distortion in response to a step stretch imposed during isometric contraction. Upper trace, force (T) relative to isometric force (T0); middle trace, length change (ΔL, nm hs−1); lower trace, axial distortion of myosin motors (Δz, nm). B, relations of T1/T0 (filled circles) and e/e0 (open circles) versusΔL for one fibre. The continuous line is the linear fit to T1/T0 data for ΔL=±1 nm hs−1, the slope (e0) is 0.26 T0 nm−1. C, average T1/T0 and e/e0 relations for 9 fibres (mean ±s.e.m.); the continuous line is calculated as in B, the slope is 0.263 ± 0.001 T0 nm−1. T0 in these experiments was 139 ± 7 kPa (mean ±s.e.m.).