A) Animals with DU145 subcutaneous tumor xenografts were treated with PBS (phosphate buffered saline; filled circle), the AdΔΔ mutant at 1×109vp (intratumoral injections on day 1, 3, and 5) with and without docetaxel at 5mg/kg (intraperitoneal administration on day 2 and 8) (open and filled squares respectively) or docetaxel 5mg/kg alone (D5; triangle) and tumor growth was monitored. *p<0.001 for treatments compared to either single agent treatment and viral mutant compared to untreated animals. Significance determined by one-way Anova analysis. B) Animals with PC3 subcutaneous tumor xenografts were treated as above with the indicated suboptimal doses 1×109vp (dl312; open circles, and AdΔΔ; filled diamond) and docetaxel at 10mg/kg (D10; open triangle) or combination of AdΔΔ and docetaxel (open square). Median time to tumor progression (tumor volume >500μl) was determined by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, 6-10 animals per group. *p<0.002 for combination treated compared to single agent groups. C) Viral genome amplification in DU145 tumors after intratumoral administration of virus on day 0, treated as indicated for 3 and 10 days. Total DNA was extracted and quantified by qPCR using specific hexon primers. Data averaged from 3 tumors/group, analysed in triplicates, and expressed as hexon DNA copies/5ng total DNA ±SD. Right panel: Viral amplification in DU145 tumors for the AdΔΔ mutant with and without simultaneous docetaxel administration at 5mg/kg. D) Viral hexon expression in DU145 tumor sections after intratumoral injection of 1×109vp of the respective mutant. One group treated with the AdΔΔ mutant and docetaxel at 10mg/kg. Three tumors were evaluated from each treatment group and analysed for expression of hexon 10 days after viral treatment, magnification 200x.